For Over 30 Years Dorshak Tree Specialists Have Been Service Wisconsin Homeowners with Tree Care and Tree Service

Need Tree Trimming or Pruning?

Contact the Certified Arborists at Dorshak Tree Specialists and let experienced professionals take care of your trees.

Is it Time to Remove a Nuisance or Diseased Tree in the Yard?

Contact Dorshak Tree Specialists to remove dying, dead, or diseased trees.  Our Certified Arborists will inspect your tree and yard.  We will ensure the tree is removed without causing damage to your yard or home.  We can also remove the stump.

Do your backyard trees need a Tree Doctor?

An ISA-Certified Arborist from Dorshak Tree Specialists can help identify potential illness in your trees and potentially help prevent them from dying. 

Bad Wisconsin Weather Can Cause Storm Damage to Trees

When dealing with storm-damaged trees it’s best to hire an experienced tree removal service.  Dorshak Tree Specialists has been removing & cleaning up tree storm damage for 30+ years.  Offering same-day emergency storm damage service our ISA-Certified Arborists are experts at trimming broken limbs.

Hiring a Tree Pruning Service? Be Sure You’re Partnering With a Certified Arborist

Almost anyone can trim a dead limb from a tree. Question is, can they tell you why it died?

Dorshak Tree Specialists brings a Certified Arborist to every tree inspection. If you have a tree losing leaves or limbs a Dorshak ISA-Certified Arborist will diagnose the issue.

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